Our Global Reach

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TAO Solutions – Our Global Reach

TAO Solutions provides its software platforms and professional services to its global customer base by introducing uniform technology platforms that are highly configurable, scalable and address the varying demands of user groups in terms of data, transaction types, deployment methodologies, reporting requirements, risk and operational assessments as well as catering for stringent investor and regulatory reporting requirements.

TAO Solutions Global Reach is founded on itsmission to represent a major role in the global structured finance industry and to continueto invest into the development of a robust, AI drivenstructured finance software solutions and related professional services. This mission is strategic and multi-faceted process that involves a combination of business strategies, market expansion efforts, leveraging technology to cater for varying requirements andaddressingcustomer and industry engagement across many jurisdictions.

The key attributes that TAO Solutions uses to maintain its Global Reach includes the following strategies:

  • Strong Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Prioritize customer satisfaction and retention by providing excellent customer support, timely software updates, and addressing customer feedback.

  • Continuous Innovation: Invest in research and development (including AI enabled technologies) to enhance existing software features and develop new solutions that address emerging market needs.

  • Agile and Responsive: Being agile and responsive to changing market demands and customer requirements within a jurisdiction and in different regions.

  • Localized Support and Documentation: As applicable, offer localized customer support and customer specific documentation to assist users.

  • Geographical Expansion: Continue to explore new markets and regions for potential growth opportunities. This involves working with key industry stakeholders, analyzing market trends, government-initiated legislation efforts and local / international financial services regulations to identify promising areas for expansion.

  • Strategic Industry Relationships: Forge strategic industry relationships with key stakeholders (examples include the European Data Warehouse (EDW), European Covered Bond Council (ECBC), Structured Finance Association (SFA), Asia Pacific Structured Finance Association (APSA) the Australian Securitisation Form (ASF))to better understand industry requirements andaddress product requirements in both new and existing markets.

  • Global Marketing and Conference Related Strategies: Using a comprehensive marketing and conference driven strategies that includes sponsorship, exhibition and attendance at key events. Utilize digital marketing, social media, and content marketing to reach a wider audience.

  • Stringent Compliance and Security: Maintain compliance with international data protection and privacy laws. We regularly review and update security measures to safeguard customer data and maintain stringent security protocols.

  • Training and Certification: Offer training and certification programs to empower customers with the skills needed to maximize the benefits of the software.

  • Community Engagement: Cultivate an active user community where customers can share experiences, exchange ideas, and receive support from peers.

  • Regular Software Updates: Release regular software updates to address bugs, security vulnerabilities, and introduce new features based on user feedback.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Other Related Performance Optimization Strategies: Using the latest Artificial Intelligence and software enhancement methodologies to continuously optimize the software's performance to ensure it meets or exceeds customer expectations.

  • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Embrace sustainable practices and demonstrate commitment to CSR, which can enhance the company's reputation and attract socially conscious customers.

  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Stay informed about changes in international regulations and ensure that the software remains compliant with local laws in each market.

By implementing these strategies and maintaining a customer-centric approach, TAO Solutions effectively maintains and strengthens its global presence, ensuring long-term growth in an evolving market. It is essential to remain adaptive and agile, continuously improving products and services to meet the evolving needs of customers worldwide.

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